Python string methods

Created By: chatGPT

In Python, strings are immutable sequences of characters, and there are several built-in methods that can be used to manipulate them. Here, I'll highlight some of the most commonly used string methods with examples.
1. str.lower(): Converts all characters in the string to lowercase.
example_string = 'Hello World'
lowercase_string = example_string.lower()
print(lowercase_string)  # Output: hello world
2. str.upper(): Converts all characters in the string to uppercase.
example_string = 'Hello World'
uppercase_string = example_string.upper()
print(uppercase_string)  # Output: HELLO WORLD
3. str.title(): Capitalizes the first character of each word in the string.
example_string = 'hello world'
title_string = example_string.title()
print(title_string)  # Output: Hello World
4. str.strip(): Removes leading and trailing whitespace characters from the string.
example_string = '   Hello World   '
stripped_string = example_string.strip()
print(stripped_string)  # Output: 'Hello World'
5. str.split(): Splits the string into a list of substrings based on a delimiter (default is space).
example_string = 'Hello World'
split_string = example_string.split()
print(split_string)  # Output: ['Hello', 'World']
6. str.join(): Joins a list of strings into a single string using a specified separator.
words = ['Hello', 'World']
joined_string = ' '.join(words)
print(joined_string)  # Output: 'Hello World'
7. str.find(): Returns the lowest index in the string where a substring is found. Returns -1 if not found.
example_string = 'Hello World'
index = example_string.find('World')
print(index)  # Output: 6
8. str.replace(): Replaces occurrences of a substring with another substring.
example_string = 'Hello World'
replaced_string = example_string.replace('World', 'Python')
print(replaced_string)  # Output: 'Hello Python'
9. str.startswith(): Checks if the string starts with the specified substring. Returns True or False.
example_string = 'Hello World'
result = example_string.startswith('Hello')
print(result)  # Output: True
10. str.endswith(): Checks if the string ends with the specified substring. Returns True or False.
example_string = 'Hello World'
result = example_string.endswith('World')
print(result)  # Output: True
Introduction And SetupVariablesData TypesIntFloatStrBoolListTupleSetDictMethodsString MethodsList MethodsDict MethodsSet MethodsControl FlowIf StatementElif StatementElse StatementFor LoopWhile LoopBreak StatementContinue StatementFunctionsDef StatementReturn StatementLambda FunctionsScopeParametersArgumentsDefault ParametersVariable Length ArgumentsOperatorsArithmetic OperatorsComparison OperatorsLogical OperatorsAssignment OperatorsIdentity OperatorsMembership OperatorsData StructuresListsTuplesSetsDictionariesCommentsSingle Line CommentsMulti Line CommentsSyntaxIndentationDocstringsEvent HandlingError HandlingTry StatementExcept StatementFinally StatementRaise StatementAssert StatementContext ManagersWith Statement