Rust pattern matching

Created By: chatGPT

Pattern matching in Rust is a powerful feature that allows you to compare a value against a series of patterns. It's often used with enums, structs, and even primitive types. The most common way to employ pattern matching in Rust is through the match statement, but you can also use if let and while let for more succinct scenarios.
let number = 7;

match number {
    1 => println!("One"),
    2 => println!("Two"),
    3 => println!("Three"),
    4..=6 => println!("Between Four and Six"),
    _ => println!("Something else"),
In the example above, the match statement checks the value of number. When it matches one of the patterns, it executes the corresponding block of code. The _ pattern acts as a catch-all for any values that don't match the previous patterns.
let value = Some(10);

if let Some(x) = value {
    println!("Value is: {}", x);
} else {
    println!("No value found");
Using if let allows you to match and unpack a value in a more concise way when you're only interested in one specific pattern. In the example above, if value is Some(10), it will print the value inside.
struct Point {
    x: i32,
    y: i32,

let point = Point { x: 10, y: 20 };

match point {
    Point { x, y } if x == y => println!("Point is on the diagonal"),
    Point { x, y } => println!("Point is at ({}, {})", x, y),
Rust also allows you to match against structural patterns, as shown with the Point struct example above. The if condition inside the match arm checks if the x and y coordinates are equal, allowing for additional logic within the pattern match.
let values = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

while let Some(value) = values.iter().next() {
    println!("Current value: {}", value);
Finally, the while let construct can be used for iterators or when you're working with options. In the example, it retrieves the next value from an array until there are no more values left. Make sure to use break to prevent an infinite loop in this case.
enum TrafficLight {

let light = TrafficLight::Red;

match light {
    TrafficLight::Red => println!("Stop"),
    TrafficLight::Yellow => println!("Caution"),
    TrafficLight::Green => println!("Go"),
You can also use pattern matching with enums, like the TrafficLight example above. Each variant of the enum can be matched with its respective actions. This makes your code readable and organized, especially when dealing with multiple states or conditions.
Introduction And SetupVariablesData TypesImmutableMutableIntegerFloating PointBooleanCharacterStringArrayTupleVectorSliceHashmapMethodFunctionSyntaxBlock ExpressionIf ExpressionLoopWhile LoopFor LoopMatch ExpressionPattern MatchingOwnershipBorrowingReferencesLifetimesEnumsStructsTraitsImpl BlockGenericType AliasPanicResultOptionError HandlingUnwrappingVariantClosureIteratorAsyncAwaitTrait ObjectModuleCrateAttributeMacroCommentSingle Line CommentMulti Line CommentDoc CommentCargoFormattingOwnership RulesType InferenceShadowingOperatorArithmetic OperatorComparison OperatorLogical OperatorBitwise OperatorAs KeywordConstStaticCopy TraitClone TraitUnsafe CodeFfiCargo ManagementTraits BoundsMatch ArmDerived TraitsClosure CaptureSplit_atIterFilterMapCollectFrom_iterTuple StructUnit TypeNaming ConventionsModule SystemVisibilityPrivatePublicCrate RootUnix Specific FeaturesWindows Specific Features