Typescript promises

Created By: chatGPT

Promises in TypeScript are a way to handle asynchronous operations. A promise represents a value that may be available now, or in the future, or never. It can be in one of three states: pending, fulfilled, or rejected.
const myPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    // Simulating an asynchronous operation
    setTimeout(() => {
        const success = true;
        if (success) {
            resolve('Operation was successful!');
        } else {
            reject('Operation failed!');
    }, 1000);
You can use the then method to handle a fulfilled promise and the catch method to handle a rejected promise. This allows you to work with the result of the asynchronous operation conveniently.
    .then(result => {
        console.log(result); // Will log: Operation was successful!
    .catch(error => {
TypeScript provides a way to specify the type of value the promise will return. This makes it easier to work with the promise's result within your application by providing type safety.
const stringPromise: Promise<string> = new Promise((resolve) => {
    resolve('Hello, TypeScript!');
You can also use the async/await syntax with promises to make your code cleaner and easier to read. By marking a function as async, you can use the await keyword to wait for a promise to resolve.
const asyncFunction = async () => {
    try {
        const result = await myPromise;
        console.log(result); // Will log: Operation was successful!
    } catch (error) {

Using Promise.all allows you to execute multiple promises in parallel, and it returns a single promise that resolves when all of the promises have fulfilled or one has rejected.
const promise1 = Promise.resolve('First promise');
const promise2 = Promise.resolve('Second promise');

Promise.all([promise1, promise2])
    .then((results) => {
        console.log(results); // Will log: ['First promise', 'Second promise']
    .catch((error) => {
Introduction And SetupVariablesData TypesAnyUnknownVoidNeverStringNumberBooleanArrayTupleEnumObjectInterfaceType AliasMethodsFunctionArrow FunctionReturn TypeParametersDefault ParametersOptional ParametersRest ParametersControl FlowIf StatementElse StatementSwitch StatementFor LoopWhile LoopDo While LoopFor...of LoopFor...in LoopBreak StatementContinue StatementFunctionsFunction OverloadingRecursive FunctionExpression FunctionOperatorsArithmetic OperatorsAssignment OperatorsComparison OperatorsLogical OperatorsBitwise OperatorsConditional (ternary) OperatorData StructuresArrayTupleObjectMapSetCommentsSingle Line CommentMulti Line CommentSyntaxType AnnotationsType InferenceNamespaceModuleExportImportDecoratorsAmbient DeclarationsEvent HandlingEvent ListenersAddEventListenerRemoveEventListenerError HandlingTry...catch StatementThrow StatementFinally BlockCustom Error TypesAsync AwaitPromisesGenericsConditional TypesMapped TypesIntersection TypesUnion TypesLiteral TypesDiscriminated UnionsType GuardsTypeof GuardInstanceof GuardAssertion FunctionsModule Augmentation