C printf

Created By: chatGPT

C's printf function is part of the C standard library and allows you to output formatted text to the console. This function is extremely versatile and can be used to display strings, integers, floating-point numbers, and more.
#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    int number = 10;
    float pi = 3.14;
    char *text = "Hello, World!";

    printf("Integer: %d\n", number);
    printf("Float: %.2f\n", pi);
    printf("String: %s\n", text);

    return 0;
Format specifiers are used in the printf function to define the type of data being printed. For example, %d is used for integers, %f for floating-point numbers, and %s for strings.
printf("int: %d\n", num);
printf("float: %f\n", decimal);
printf("string: %s\n", str);
You can also control the width and precision of the output. For example, specifying a width will adjust how much space the number takes when it is printed.
printf("%5d\n", 42); // prints '  42' (4 spaces before 42)
printf("%.2f\n", 3.14159); // prints '3.14'
To print multiple variables, simply insert additional arguments into the printf function corresponding to each format specifier.
int a = 5, b = 10;
printf("a: %d, b: %d\n", a, b);
Escape sequences are sequences starting with a backslash (\) that allow you to format the output. Common escape sequences include \n for new line and \t for tab space.
printf("Hello,\nWorld!\n"); // Outputs 'Hello,' on one line and 'World!' on the next
Introduction And SetupVariablesData TypesIntFloatDoubleCharVoidUnsignedSignedConstantsEnumerationsArraysStringsStructsUnionsTypedefsPointersDynamic Memory AllocationMallocCallocReallocFreeFunctionsFunction DeclarationsFunction DefinitionsFunction CallsReturn StatementInline FunctionsRecursionHeader FilesPreprocessor DirectivesControl FlowIf StatementElse StatementElse If StatementSwitch StatementCase StatementDefault CaseLoopsFor LoopWhile LoopDo While LoopBreak StatementContinue StatementGoto StatementLabelsOperatorsArithmetic OperatorsRelational OperatorsLogical OperatorsBitwise OperatorsAssignment OperatorsConditional (ternary) OperatorComma OperatorSizeof OperatorData StructuresLinked ListsStacksQueuesTreesGraphsFunction PointersCallbacksMacrosCommentsSingle Line CommentsMulti Line CommentsSyntaxSyntax ErrorsCompilation ErrorsDebuggingStandard Input OutputPrintfScanfFile HandlingFopenFcloseFreadFwriteFprintfFgetsFputsError HandlingErrnoAssertionsExit FunctionExit CodesEvent HandlingSignal HandlingInterrupts