Javascript nullish coalescing operator

Created By: chatGPT

The nullish coalescing operator (??) is a logical operator in JavaScript that allows you to provide a fallback value when dealing with null or undefined. This is particularly useful to ensure that your variables have meaningful values without having to repeatedly check for these falsy values.
const value = someVariable ?? 'default';
In the example above, if someVariable is either null or undefined, value will be set to 'default'. Otherwise, it will take the value of someVariable.
const userInput = null;
const fallback = 'Default Value';

const result = userInput ?? fallback;
console.log(result); // Output: 'Default Value'
It's important to note that the nullish coalescing operator only checks for null and undefined, not for other falsy values like 0, false, NaN, or an empty string (''). This means that if your variable holds a falsy value but is not null or undefined, it will still be returned.
const input = 0;
const defaultValue = 10;

const finalValue = input ?? defaultValue;
console.log(finalValue); // Output: 0
Introduction And SetupVariablesData TypesMethodsControl FlowFunctionsOperatorsData StructuresCommentsSyntaxEvent HandlingError HandlingPrimitive Data TypesReference Data TypesConstLetVarStringNumberBooleanNullUndefinedSymbolObjectArrayTemplate LiteralsArrow FunctionsRegular FunctionsCallApplyBindAsync FunctionsPromisesCallback FunctionsIf StatementElse StatementSwitch StatementFor LoopWhile LoopDo While LoopFor EachBreak StatementContinue StatementTry CatchThrowFinallyScopeClosureThis KeywordPrototypesInheritanceConstructor FunctionsClass SyntaxStatic MethodsGettersSettersSpread OperatorRest OperatorDestructuring AssignmentMap MethodFilter MethodReduce MethodEvent ListenersDom ManipulationInnerHTMLQuerySelectorAddEventListenerPreventDefaultStopPropagationTimeoutsIntervalsJsonLocal StorageSession StorageRegexMath ObjectDate ObjectString MethodsArray MethodsObject MethodsDeep CloningShallow CloningCallback HellPromise ChainingAsync AwaitMap Vs ForEachFilter Vs ReduceNullish Coalescing OperatorOptional ChainingTypeof OperatorInstanceof OperatorStrict EqualityLoose Equality