Javascript preventDefault

Created By: chatGPT

preventDefault is a method that belongs to the Event interface in JavaScript. It is used within event handlers to prevent the default action that belongs to the event from occurring. For example, if you have a form submission, calling preventDefault() will stop the form from submitting to the server. This is particularly useful when you want to validate input data before allowing it to be processed.
document.querySelector('form').addEventListener('submit', function(event) {
    // Perform validation or other actions
    console.log('Form submission prevented!');
In the example above, when the form is attempted to be submitted, the event listener will trigger, and preventDefault() will halt the submission process. This allows you to handle any validation or data processing before deciding whether to proceed.
function validateForm() {
    // Perform validation logic
    const inputElement = document.querySelector('input');
    if (inputElement.value === '') {
        alert('Input cannot be empty!');
        return false;
    return true;

document.querySelector('form').addEventListener('submit', function(event) {
    if (!validateForm()) {
Another use case for preventDefault() is in handling click events on links. If you want to implement a custom action when a link is clicked and prevent the link from following its URL, you can do so using this method.
document.querySelector('a').addEventListener('click', function(event) {
    // Implement custom behavior here
    console.log('Link clicked, but default action prevented.');
In this case, when a user clicks the link, the default behavior of navigating to a new page is stopped, giving you an opportunity to run your own JavaScript code instead.
document.querySelector('a').addEventListener('click', function(event) {
    // Redirect to another page after a delay
    setTimeout(() => {
        window.location.href = '';
    }, 2000);
Introduction And SetupVariablesData TypesMethodsControl FlowFunctionsOperatorsData StructuresCommentsSyntaxEvent HandlingError HandlingPrimitive Data TypesReference Data TypesConstLetVarStringNumberBooleanNullUndefinedSymbolObjectArrayTemplate LiteralsArrow FunctionsRegular FunctionsCallApplyBindAsync FunctionsPromisesCallback FunctionsIf StatementElse StatementSwitch StatementFor LoopWhile LoopDo While LoopFor EachBreak StatementContinue StatementTry CatchThrowFinallyScopeClosureThis KeywordPrototypesInheritanceConstructor FunctionsClass SyntaxStatic MethodsGettersSettersSpread OperatorRest OperatorDestructuring AssignmentMap MethodFilter MethodReduce MethodEvent ListenersDom ManipulationInnerHTMLQuerySelectorAddEventListenerPreventDefaultStopPropagationTimeoutsIntervalsJsonLocal StorageSession StorageRegexMath ObjectDate ObjectString MethodsArray MethodsObject MethodsDeep CloningShallow CloningCallback HellPromise ChainingAsync AwaitMap Vs ForEachFilter Vs ReduceNullish Coalescing OperatorOptional ChainingTypeof OperatorInstanceof OperatorStrict EqualityLoose Equality