C++ inheritance

Created By: chatGPT

In C++, inheritance is a fundamental feature that allows a class (called the derived class) to inherit the properties and behaviors (member variables and functions) from another class (called the base class). This promotes code reusability and establishes a relationship between classes.There are several types of inheritance in C++, including single inheritance, multiple inheritance, multilevel inheritance, hierarchical inheritance, and hybrid inheritance.Here’s a simple example showcasing single inheritance:
First, we define a base class called Animal:
class Animal {
        void speak() {
            std::cout << "Animal speaks" << std::endl;
Next, we create a derived class called Dog that inherits from Animal:
class Dog : public Animal {
        void bark() {
            std::cout << "Dog barks" << std::endl;
Now we can utilize both speak from the base class and bark from the derived class:
int main() {
    Dog myDog;
    myDog.speak(); // Inherited function
    myDog.bark();  // Dog's own function
    return 0;

This will output:

  • Animal speaks
  • Dog barks

In this example, Dog inherits the speak method from Animal, demonstrating how inheritance allows the derived class to leverage the functionality of the base class.

In C++, we also want to be aware of access specifiers when inheriting classes. The three access specifiers are public, protected, and private. The default mode of inheritance is private if not specified, and public inheritance maintains the public/protected status of the base class.

For instance, if you change the inheritance of Dog to private:

class Dog : private Animal { ... }

Now, speak is not accessible from Dog objects outside this class, demonstrating a more restricted access to the base class members.

In summary, inheritance in C++ enables a structured approach to building class hierarchies while promoting code reuse and maintaining the principles of encapsulation and polymorphism. Understanding how to effectively implement inheritance is crucial for creating well-architected applications.
Introduction And SetupVariablesData TypesIntFloatDoubleCharBoolStringVoidConstantsOperatorsArithmetic OperatorsRelational OperatorsLogical OperatorsBitwise OperatorsAssignment OperatorsTernary OperatorControl FlowIf StatementElse StatementElse If StatementSwitch StatementFor LoopWhile LoopDo While LoopBreak StatementContinue StatementGoto StatementFunctionsFunction DeclarationFunction DefinitionFunction OverloadingInline FunctionsDefault ArgumentsRecursionPass By ValuePass By ReferenceData StructuresArraysMultidimensional ArraysStructsEnumsUnionsClassesObjectsMember FunctionsConstructorsDestructorsAccess SpecifiersPublicPrivateProtectedInheritancePolymorphismFunction OverridingVirtual FunctionsPure Virtual FunctionsOperator OverloadingTemplatesNamespaceCommentsSingle Line CommentsMulti Line CommentsSyntaxSemicolonCurly BracesParenthesesEvent HandlingCinCoutError HandlingTry BlockCatch BlockThrow StatementException HandlingPreprocessor DirectivesInclude GuardsMacro DefinitionsInline AssemblyStatic KeywordsExtern KeywordsConst KeywordsVolatile KeywordsFriend FunctionStatic MemberThis PointerDynamic Memory AllocationNew OperatorDelete Operator