HTML bdi

Created By: chatGPT

<bdi> is an HTML element used to isolate text that might be formatted in a different direction from the surrounding text. This is particularly useful when dealing with languages that are read from right to left, such as Arabic or Hebrew, while the surrounding text is in a left-to-right script, such as English. The bdi element stands for Bidirectional Isolation. By using it, you ensure that the integrity of the encapsulated text is maintained, regardless of the directionality of the surrounding content.
<p>This is an example of <bdi>مرحبًا</bdi> in English.</p>
When placed within a block of text, the <bdi> element prevents unwanted text reordering by other bidirectional algorithms. This is especially important in web applications where user-generated content may include text in multiple languages. Using <bdi> can improve user experience by displaying the text correctly.
<p>To display a number like <bdi>12345</bdi> correctly among Arabic text.</p>
You can style the <bdi> element just like any other HTML element using CSS. For instance, if you want to highlight the isolated text, you can add a class and define a style for it.
    .highlight {
        background-color: yellow;
        font-weight: bold;
<p>Check out this highlighted <bdi class="highlight">text</bdi> example.</p>
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