HTML track

Created By: chatGPT

The <track> element in HTML5 is used within the <video> and <audio> elements to specify text tracks for captions, subtitles, descriptions, chapters, or metadata. This allows for a more accessible multimedia experience for users. The text tracks can be displayed in different languages and formats, enhancing the usability of the content.
<video controls>
    <source src="movie.mp4" type="video/mp4">
    <track src="subtitles_en.vtt" kind="subtitles" srclang="en" label="English" default>
    <track src="subtitles_es.vtt" kind="subtitles" srclang="es" label="Spanish">
    Your browser does not support the video tag.
To use the <track> element effectively, it is important to understand its attributes. The most commonly used attributes are:
    kind="subtitles | captions | descriptions | chapters"
    label="track label"

The kind attribute specifies the type of text track, which can be:

  • subtitles: Translated subtitles.
  • captions: Text that represents the audio content in the same language (e.g., for the hearing impaired).
  • descriptions: Audio descriptions of the video content for visually impaired users.
  • chapters: A list of chapters for navigating through the media.

The srclang attribute indicates the language of the track, using language codes (e.g., en for English, fr for French). The label attribute provides a user-readable title for the track.

    label="English Subtitle"
Here is an example of a complete HTML5 audio element with multiple <track> elements for subtitles in different languages:
<audio controls>
    <source src="audio.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
    <track src="subtitles_en.vtt" kind="subtitles" srclang="en" label="English" default>
    <track src="subtitles_fr.vtt" kind="subtitles" srclang="fr" label="French">
    Your browser does not support the audio tag.
Introduction And SetupHeadTitleMetaLinkStyleScriptBodyHeaderNavSectionArticleAsideFooterH1H2H3H4H5H6PBlockquoteOlUlLiAImgTableTrTdThCaptionFormInputTextareaButtonSelectOptionLabelFieldsetLegendCanvasSvgVideoAudioEmbedObjectIframeDivSpanStrongEmSmallSubSupMarkCiteDfnAbbrTimeDataVarCodeKbdSampQCiteRubyRbRtRtcRpBdiBdoWbrDatalistOutputProgressMeterDetailsSummaryTemplatePictureSourceTrackMeta CharsetMeta NameMeta ContentMeta ViewportMeta Http EquivLink RelLink HrefScript SrcScript AsyncStyle TypeBody OnloadIdClassStyleSrcHrefAltTitleValueNameTypePlaceholderDisabledReadonlyCheckedActionMethodForMaxlengthMinlengthAutocompleteTargetRelData *WidthHeightLangTabindexAria *DraggableHiddenAutofocusRequiredDownload