HTML cite

Created By: chatGPT

The <cite> tag in HTML is used to reference the title of a creative work, such as a book, article, or song. It helps to provide citations in your content, indicating the source of an idea or a quote. The content inside a <cite> element should be styled as italicized text by default in most browsers, emphasizing the significance of the referenced title. Here's an example of how to use it:
<p>As mentioned in <cite>The Great Gatsby</cite>, the American Dream has been a persistent theme in literature.</p>
It's important to note that the <cite> tag is not limited to books or films. You can use it to cite any form of created work, including web pages or artworks. When using the <cite> tag, remember that it should represent only the work's title, not the author's name or the website itself. For example:
<p>According to <cite>Wikipedia</cite>, HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language.</p>
To enhance your citation, you may also consider using additional HTML tags, like <strong> for emphasis. However, the <cite> tag purely focuses on the work's title. For instance:
<p>In her research, she referred to <cite><strong>Understanding Machine Learning</strong></cite> to support her claims.</p>
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