CSS border

Created By: chatGPT

CSS Borders are essential in web design as they enhance the visual appearance and structure of elements. Using borders, you can define the edges of an element, making it stand out from its surroundings. In CSS, you can customize borders in various ways including width, style, and color.
/* Basic border example */
.box {
    border: 2px solid blue;
You can also create different types of borders: solid, dotted, dashed, double, groove, ridge, inset, and outset. Each of these styles provides a different visual effect.
/* Different border styles */
.solid {
    border: 1px solid black;

.dotted {
    border: 1px dotted red;

.dashed {
    border: 1px dashed green;
To control the border radius, which creates rounded corners, you can use the border-radius property. This property allows you to specify how rounded the corners should be.
/* Adding rounded corners */
.rounded {
    border: 3px solid purple;
    border-radius: 10px;
If you want to set specific borders for each side of an element, you can use separate properties for each side: border-top, border-right, border-bottom, and border-left.
/* Different borders for each side */
.custom-borders {
    border-top: 2px solid orange;
    border-right: 3px dashed teal;
    border-bottom: 4px double gray;
    border-left: 5px groove yellow;
Lastly, using border shorthand, you can specify the border width, style, and color in a single declaration. This not only saves time but also makes your CSS cleaner.
/* Border shorthand */
.shorthand {
    border: 1px solid black;
Introduction And SetupSelectorsType SelectorClass SelectorId SelectorAttribute SelectorsUniversal SelectorGrouping SelectorsCombinatorsDescendant CombinatorChild CombinatorAdjacent Sibling CombinatorGeneral Sibling CombinatorPseudo ClassesHoverNth ChildNth Of TypeFocusVisitedActiveFirst ChildLast ChildOnly ChildPseudo ElementsBeforeAfterFirst LetterFirst LineBox ModelMarginPaddingBorderWidthHeightBox SizingPositioningStaticRelativeAbsoluteFixedStickyZ IndexDisplayInlineBlockInline BlockFlexGridNoneFloatClearTypographyFont FamilyFont SizeFont WeightFont StyleLine HeightLetter SpacingText AlignText DecorationText TransformVertical AlignOverflowOverflow XOverflow YVisibilityClip PathBackgroundsBackground ColorBackground ImageBackground SizeBackground PositionBackground RepeatBackground AttachmentGradientsBordersBorder WidthBorder ColorBorder StyleBorder RadiusShadowsBox ShadowText ShadowFlexboxFlex DirectionJustify ContentAlign ItemsAlign SelfFlex GrowFlex ShrinkFlex BasisOrderGridGrid Template ColumnsGrid Template RowsGrid GapGrid Auto FlowAlign ContentCss VariablesCustom PropertiesAnimationKeyframesTransitionTransformRotateScaleTranslateSkewMedia QueriesMin WidthMax WidthOrientationAspect RatioUnitsPxEmRemVhVwPercentages