CSS visited

Created By: chatGPT

CSS provides a way to style links that have been visited by users. This can help improve the user experience by allowing for better navigation and clues about the previously visited pages. The :visited pseudo-class is used for this purpose. However, there are important limitations due to privacy concerns, as browsers restrict the styles that can be applied to visited links.
a:visited {
    color: purple;
    text-decoration: underline;
When using the :visited pseudo-class, you can change various properties of the link such as color, background-color, and text-decoration. However, due to privacy issues, properties like display, visibility, and certain other styles are not allowed. This is to prevent anyone from detecting a user's browsing history through CSS.
a:visited {
    background-color: transparent;
    color: gray;
    text-decoration: none;
To implement this in your CSS file, you would typically include the :visited rule alongside other link states such as :link and :hover to provide a consistent styling experience. Below is an example of styling links effectively.
a:link {
    color: blue;

a:hover {
    color: red;

a:visited {
    color: purple;
    text-decoration: underline;
It's good practice to style links appropriately so users can easily identify whether they have previously visited a page. This not only enhances usability but also contributes to navigation efficiency on your website.
// Example for a website

body {
    font-family: Arial, sans-serif;

nav a {
    padding: 10px 15px;
    text-decoration: none;

a:link {
    color: blue;

a:visited {
    color: purple;

a:hover {
    color: red;
Introduction And SetupSelectorsType SelectorClass SelectorId SelectorAttribute SelectorsUniversal SelectorGrouping SelectorsCombinatorsDescendant CombinatorChild CombinatorAdjacent Sibling CombinatorGeneral Sibling CombinatorPseudo ClassesHoverNth ChildNth Of TypeFocusVisitedActiveFirst ChildLast ChildOnly ChildPseudo ElementsBeforeAfterFirst LetterFirst LineBox ModelMarginPaddingBorderWidthHeightBox SizingPositioningStaticRelativeAbsoluteFixedStickyZ IndexDisplayInlineBlockInline BlockFlexGridNoneFloatClearTypographyFont FamilyFont SizeFont WeightFont StyleLine HeightLetter SpacingText AlignText DecorationText TransformVertical AlignOverflowOverflow XOverflow YVisibilityClip PathBackgroundsBackground ColorBackground ImageBackground SizeBackground PositionBackground RepeatBackground AttachmentGradientsBordersBorder WidthBorder ColorBorder StyleBorder RadiusShadowsBox ShadowText ShadowFlexboxFlex DirectionJustify ContentAlign ItemsAlign SelfFlex GrowFlex ShrinkFlex BasisOrderGridGrid Template ColumnsGrid Template RowsGrid GapGrid Auto FlowAlign ContentCss VariablesCustom PropertiesAnimationKeyframesTransitionTransformRotateScaleTranslateSkewMedia QueriesMin WidthMax WidthOrientationAspect RatioUnitsPxEmRemVhVwPercentages