CSS type selector

Created By: chatGPT

CSS Type Selector is a fundamental way to select elements in an HTML document. It targets all elements of a specified type, which makes it very useful for applying styles consistently across similar elements. Here’s a brief breakdown of how it works: It selects elements based on their tag name. For example, if you want to style all <p> (paragraph) elements, you would use the p type selector in your CSS. This method is straightforward and allows you to apply styles without needing to assign classes or IDs.
p {
    color: blue;
    font-size: 16px;
In this example, all paragraph elements in your HTML will have a blue color and a font size of 16 pixels. You can use any HTML tag name as a type selector, such as h1, div, or span.
h1 {
    font-weight: bold;

div {
    margin: 10px;
    padding: 5px;
For more complex selections, you can combine type selectors with class selectors or ID selectors. This allows you to have more precise control over which elements receive specific styles. For example, if you want to apply a special style to only certain paragraphs with a specific class, you could write the CSS as follows:
.special-paragraph {
    background-color: lightyellow;

p.special {
    color: red;
This example targets all <p> elements with the class special and gives them a red color while applying a light yellow background color to any element with the special-paragraph class. Using type selectors effectively can lead to cleaner, more maintainable code in your styling.
ul {
    list-style-type: square;

li {
    padding: 5px;
Moreover, you can use type selectors alongside descendant selectors to target elements nested inside other elements. This allows for hierarchical styling. For instance, if you want to style all <li> elements inside <ul> lists, you would write:
ul li {
    color: green;
Introduction And SetupSelectorsType SelectorClass SelectorId SelectorAttribute SelectorsUniversal SelectorGrouping SelectorsCombinatorsDescendant CombinatorChild CombinatorAdjacent Sibling CombinatorGeneral Sibling CombinatorPseudo ClassesHoverNth ChildNth Of TypeFocusVisitedActiveFirst ChildLast ChildOnly ChildPseudo ElementsBeforeAfterFirst LetterFirst LineBox ModelMarginPaddingBorderWidthHeightBox SizingPositioningStaticRelativeAbsoluteFixedStickyZ IndexDisplayInlineBlockInline BlockFlexGridNoneFloatClearTypographyFont FamilyFont SizeFont WeightFont StyleLine HeightLetter SpacingText AlignText DecorationText TransformVertical AlignOverflowOverflow XOverflow YVisibilityClip PathBackgroundsBackground ColorBackground ImageBackground SizeBackground PositionBackground RepeatBackground AttachmentGradientsBordersBorder WidthBorder ColorBorder StyleBorder RadiusShadowsBox ShadowText ShadowFlexboxFlex DirectionJustify ContentAlign ItemsAlign SelfFlex GrowFlex ShrinkFlex BasisOrderGridGrid Template ColumnsGrid Template RowsGrid GapGrid Auto FlowAlign ContentCss VariablesCustom PropertiesAnimationKeyframesTransitionTransformRotateScaleTranslateSkewMedia QueriesMin WidthMax WidthOrientationAspect RatioUnitsPxEmRemVhVwPercentages