CSS id selector

Created By: chatGPT

CSS IDs are unique identifiers used to style individual elements on a web page. An ID begins with the # symbol followed by the name of the ID. It's important to note that each ID must be unique within a single HTML document, meaning no two elements can share the same ID. This allows for precise targeting of elements to apply specific styles.
/* Example of using an ID selector in CSS */
#header {
    background-color: blue;
    color: white;
    padding: 10px;
    text-align: center;
To use an ID selector, you first define an ID in your HTML element. For example, if you have a <div> with the ID header, you can then reference it in your CSS by using the # symbol. Remember only one element should have this ID to maintain its uniqueness.
<div id="header">Welcome to My Website</div>
You can combine ID selectors with other selectors for more complex styling rules. Consider using class selectors or tag selectors in conjunction with ID selectors to create more specific styles.
#header h1 {
    font-size: 24px;
    font-weight: bold;
    margin: 0;
In JavaScript, you can also easily manipulate elements with a specific ID. The getElementById method allows you to quickly access and alter elements by their ID, proving the versatility of using IDs in both CSS and JavaScript.
const header = document.getElementById('header');
header.style.backgroundColor = 'red';
Introduction And SetupSelectorsType SelectorClass SelectorId SelectorAttribute SelectorsUniversal SelectorGrouping SelectorsCombinatorsDescendant CombinatorChild CombinatorAdjacent Sibling CombinatorGeneral Sibling CombinatorPseudo ClassesHoverNth ChildNth Of TypeFocusVisitedActiveFirst ChildLast ChildOnly ChildPseudo ElementsBeforeAfterFirst LetterFirst LineBox ModelMarginPaddingBorderWidthHeightBox SizingPositioningStaticRelativeAbsoluteFixedStickyZ IndexDisplayInlineBlockInline BlockFlexGridNoneFloatClearTypographyFont FamilyFont SizeFont WeightFont StyleLine HeightLetter SpacingText AlignText DecorationText TransformVertical AlignOverflowOverflow XOverflow YVisibilityClip PathBackgroundsBackground ColorBackground ImageBackground SizeBackground PositionBackground RepeatBackground AttachmentGradientsBordersBorder WidthBorder ColorBorder StyleBorder RadiusShadowsBox ShadowText ShadowFlexboxFlex DirectionJustify ContentAlign ItemsAlign SelfFlex GrowFlex ShrinkFlex BasisOrderGridGrid Template ColumnsGrid Template RowsGrid GapGrid Auto FlowAlign ContentCss VariablesCustom PropertiesAnimationKeyframesTransitionTransformRotateScaleTranslateSkewMedia QueriesMin WidthMax WidthOrientationAspect RatioUnitsPxEmRemVhVwPercentages