SQL abs

Created By: chatGPT

In SQL, the ABS() function is used to return the absolute value of a numeric expression. The absolute value is the number without its sign, meaning that it will always be a positive number or zero.
-- Example of using ABS in SQL
SELECT ABS(-25) AS AbsoluteValue;
-- Returns: 25
You can also use ABS() in a SELECT statement to manipulate data from a database table. For example, if you want to calculate the absolute difference between two columns, you can use the function as follows:
-- Calculating absolute difference between two columns in a table
    ABS(ColumnA - ColumnB) AS AbsoluteDifference
Remember that ABS() can be applied to various numeric types, including integers, floats, and decimals. It is particularly useful when you are dealing with datasets where you need to ensure that the resulting values are non-negative.
-- Using ABS with different numeric types
    ABS(-10) AS IntegerValue,
    ABS(-10.75) AS FloatValue,
    ABS(-15.5) AS DecimalValue;
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