SQL where

Created By: chatGPT

The SQL WHERE clause is used to filter records that fulfill a specified condition. It allows you to retrieve only the rows that meet specific criteria from a SQL database. The WHERE clause can be used with various SQL statements such as SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, and others.
SELECT * FROM Employees
WHERE Department = 'Sales';
You can use operators such as =, !=, >, <, >=, and <= to set your conditions. For instance, if you want to select employees with a salary greater than a specific amount, you might do the following:
SELECT * FROM Employees
WHERE Salary > 50000;
For more complex conditions, you can use the AND and OR operators to combine multiple criteria. Here’s an example that finds employees in the Sales department with a salary greater than 50,000:
SELECT * FROM Employees
WHERE Department = 'Sales' AND Salary > 50000;
You can also filter records based on whether a field is NULL or not. To find employees without a specified phone number, you would use the following query:
SELECT * FROM Employees
Furthermore, the LIKE operator allows you to filter records based on pattern matching. This is especially useful for string comparison. Here’s an example showing how to find employees whose names start with 'J':
SELECT * FROM Employees
To summarize, the WHERE clause is an essential tool for filtering data in SQL that helps to ensure that the queries return only the relevant records needed.
Introduction And SetupSelectFromWhereJoinInner JoinLeft JoinRight JoinFull JoinOnGroup ByHavingOrder ByLimitInsert IntoValuesUpdateSetDeleteCreate TableAlter TableDrop TableCreate IndexDrop IndexUnionUnion AllIntersectExceptCaseWhenThenElseEndInBetweenLikeIs NullIs Not NullExistsNot ExistsAndOrNotAsWithDistinctCountSumAvgMinMaxCastCoalesceNullifSubstringConcatLowerUpperTrimReplaceRoundFloorCeilAbsModCurrent_dateCurrent_timeCurrent_timestamp