SQL with

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SQL (Structured Query Language) is a standard programming language used for managing and manipulating databases. It enables you to perform various operations such as querying data, updating records, and controlling access to data. One of the most common operations in SQL is filtering data using the WHERE clause. This clause allows you to specify conditions for the records you want to retrieve.
SELECT * FROM employees
WHERE department = 'Sales';
Another essential feature of SQL is joining tables. When you need to combine data from multiple tables, you use JOINs. The most common types of joins are INNER JOIN, LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN, and FULL OUTER JOIN. The INNER JOIN only returns rows that have matching values in both tables.
SELECT a.name, b.salary
FROM employees a
INNER JOIN salaries b ON a.id = b.employee_id;
To aggregate data, SQL provides functions like COUNT(), SUM(), and AVG(). You can group your results using the GROUP BY clause, which organizes the result set by one or more columns. This is especially useful for generating reports or summary statistics.
SELECT department, COUNT(*) AS employee_count
FROM employees
GROUP BY department;
Managing data also involves modifying and deleting records. The UPDATE statement is used to change existing data, while the DELETE statement removes records from a table. Always use these commands with caution, especially DELETE, to avoid unintended data loss.
UPDATE employees
SET salary = salary * 1.1
WHERE department = 'Sales';

DELETE FROM employees
WHERE last_login < '2022-01-01';
It's important to keep database security in mind. SQL provides the GRANT and REVOKE commands to manage permissions for users. This ensures that only authorized users can access or modify sensitive data.
GRANT SELECT, INSERT ON employees TO user_role;
REVOKE DELETE ON employees FROM user_role;
Introduction And SetupSelectFromWhereJoinInner JoinLeft JoinRight JoinFull JoinOnGroup ByHavingOrder ByLimitInsert IntoValuesUpdateSetDeleteCreate TableAlter TableDrop TableCreate IndexDrop IndexUnionUnion AllIntersectExceptCaseWhenThenElseEndInBetweenLikeIs NullIs Not NullExistsNot ExistsAndOrNotAsWithDistinctCountSumAvgMinMaxCastCoalesceNullifSubstringConcatLowerUpperTrimReplaceRoundFloorCeilAbsModCurrent_dateCurrent_timeCurrent_timestamp