SQL values

Created By: chatGPT

In SQL, the VALUES clause is used to specify a list of values to be inserted into a table. INSERT statements that include a VALUES clause can add new records to a specified table. Here’s how you can use it:
INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2)
VALUES (value1, value2);
You can insert multiple rows at once by separating each set of values with a comma. This is particularly useful for performance when adding several records.
INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2)
(value1a, value2a), 
(value1b, value2b), 
(value1c, value2c);
To ensure data integrity, it's essential to match the values in the VALUES clause with the data types defined in the table structure. For example, if column1 is an integer, you must pass an integer value.
INSERT INTO employees (id, name, age)
VALUES (1, 'John Doe', 30);
If you're inserting a string value, particularly in a TEXT or VARCHAR column, ensure the string is enclosed in single quotes. Also, be cautious with special characters or SQL Injection vulnerabilities.
INSERT INTO products (product_name, price)
VALUES ('Cool Gadget', 19.99);
You can also use DEFAULT to insert the default value specified in the table's definition. This is useful when you don't want to provide a value for every column.
INSERT INTO orders (order_date, status)
Lastly, keep in mind that the VALUES clause is often part of larger SQL statements, and it's crucial for maintaining the atomicity of transactions. This means if one part fails, the transaction will roll back to maintain data integrity.
INSERT INTO users (username, email)
VALUES ('jane_doe', 'jane@example.com');
Introduction And SetupSelectFromWhereJoinInner JoinLeft JoinRight JoinFull JoinOnGroup ByHavingOrder ByLimitInsert IntoValuesUpdateSetDeleteCreate TableAlter TableDrop TableCreate IndexDrop IndexUnionUnion AllIntersectExceptCaseWhenThenElseEndInBetweenLikeIs NullIs Not NullExistsNot ExistsAndOrNotAsWithDistinctCountSumAvgMinMaxCastCoalesceNullifSubstringConcatLowerUpperTrimReplaceRoundFloorCeilAbsModCurrent_dateCurrent_timeCurrent_timestamp